Monday, March 8, 2010

How to Approach a Girl in Public

This is a good way to approach women in a public setting without seeming creepy. You can meet women anywhere. You may even meet your future wife standing at a bus stop.


1. You have to get out there and seek them out! Most intelligent and classy girls do not go door to door looking for dates.

2. Enter a public place such as school and check out the girls (Note: if you are too old to be in school, it will look creepy).

3. Seek eye contact. Maintain eye contact while trying to keep underwear and armpits dry.

4. Smile. Avoid appearing overconfident as she may find you cocky, but you mustn't be shy either. Some girls do like shy guys. But most of them want a guy who's not afraid to go out on a limb sometimes.

5. Approach with confidence; don't use cheesy pick-up lines (A pick-up line is a conversation opener with the intent of engaging an unfamiliar person for sex, romance, or dating. ...), they rarely work. A simple "Hi, how are you tonight?" should break the ice. Or, if you're a teenager, a less formal "Hey, how's it going?" or "Hey, what's up?" will suffice. Being polite and friendly always helps.

6. Wait for the signals that she is interested: laughing (at your hilarious jokes), flicking her hair around, etc. If she makes any physical contact, like touching your arm while she laughs, it's a good sign.

7. Take a hint if she's not interested. If she's busy, or if your comic genius is not being appreciated, then say, "It was great to meet you" and cut your losses. If you come on too strong, some women might feel threatened.

8. Take it small steps at a time. If you think she is interested: be brief, return to your friends, say, "Maybe we can have a chat later."

9. And most important: Be yourself!

How to Start a Conversation with Your Crush Without It Being Awkward

Having a crush on someone can make you very shy around that person and many times you aren't acquainted with your crush. The only way to do that is to communicate, and if you don't know them yet, the only way to do that is to get to know them. The first step you must take before you ask them out is by starting up a conversation. But, unfortunately, that's easier said than done for most people. If you are one of those people, this guide is for you.


1. Start a simple conversation with them about school. Your crush is probably in at least one of your classes at school or after school programs, otherwise how would you ever see them besides maybe in the hallways? Well, if you're near them as the two of you are walking to class, ask if any homework was assigned the previous night, or if there was a meeting of some sort after school ended. They will almost definitely answer you, since you asked a pretty casual question. If they say yes, say you forgot to do it and were up late watching movies (list real movies that you've actually seen off the top of your head). Then ask your crush if they have seen any of them, or maybe they'll say they saw one of them before you ask them. If your crush hasn't seen any of them, recommend one of them and say why. If your crush has already seen the movie, start talking about your favorite parts, lines, etc.

2. Now that you know you can have conversation with your crush, sit near them if possible so you can take part in the conversations they have with the people around them. Don't let the people around you exclude you from the conversations. Make comments. Ask questions. Crack some jokes.

3. At any time, ask everybody who's in the conversation what school clubs they do, and you'll be able to find out which ones,if any, that your crush does. They may interest you and you could join them and you would be around your crush more and be able to get to know them better.

4. Tell people in the conversation about something exciting you're doing after school one day in class. Then people will share what they're doing after school as well (unless they are completely ignoring you, which shouldn't be happening at this point), or maybe what they always doafter school. This may give you an idea of where your crush hangs out. You could go there after school and meet your crush there, and talk to them. However, keep in mind that all this shouldn't be within 5 minutes. Make sure you drag it out just a little bit, so it actually looks like you care about everyone else comments, or replies other than your crushes but make sure you listen to your crush too and dont get into deep conversation with other people. Make sure your crush is still in the conversation.

How to Tell when a Girl Is Interested in You

Are you deeply in love with a girl or have 'liked' a girl for a long time and are you too afraid to ask her how she feels? If you are uncertain of how she feels about you, here are some ways to tell if she is interested in you.


1. Let her know you listen. Listen to some information that she tells you because you might use it, for example when she says she likes Starbucks, you can bring her a frappo someday and say "I know you like Starbucks so bought you a frappo".

2. Say something funny. When you're having a group activity, do or say something funny then look at her reaction. If she laughs even though it's not funny, she likes you, if she smiles, she pitys you.

3. Flirt with other girls when she's around. It will get her attention, and she'll get jelous, thus she feels the need to flirt with you.

4. GO FOR IT. Tell her you like her! Every girl wants a guy to tell them you like her except if she's taken, like if she's dating someone else even though they're not exclusive yet. ESPECIALLY when her boyfriend's the captain of the football team.

How to Know if a Girl Likes You

Not sure what those glances, smiles and looks mean? Follow these steps to find out if she really likes you, they'll help.


1. Strike up a small conversation. This will help you learn little things that will come in handy in the future. All girls are different, so be aware of the signs. Listen to the tone of her voice: if she's shy, the tone of her voice might be a little higher and she might start to play with her hair (smoothing it down, twirling, flipping), adjusting her clothes, and might stare at you. Another sign she likes you is if she laughs at a normally boring or stupid joke. (Though, don't use bad jokes as a test, or you'll risk looking like a comedy dork.) She may not be able to look you straight in the eye and she might giggle a lot for no reason.

2. Watch for signs of flirting. If she's flirting, she may be difficult to read. Flirtatious girls may flirtwith guys who they consider to be just friends, and it can be misconstrued as a crush. Because most girls do not want to be obvious, the flirtatious ones might flirt with you a little bit less or they might flirt with you even more. Either way, don't "flirt around". Do not flirt with other girls. If she ever sees you putting your arm around another girl or sees another girl hug you, she may jump to conclusions and assume she doesn't mean anything to you.

3. Notice if she touches you more often than what friends do (she's constantly trying to touch your hand or something). If she finds excuses to do so, then you're probably on the right track. But conversely, don't assume that just because she isn't touching you that she doesn't like you. She may be too nervous of you to touch you yet. Break the touch barrier yourself.

4. Observe how she looks at you. If she likes you, she will either hold it for a long time or pull away immediately. Either of these could mean that she likes you. If she pulls away quickly, it means she is nervous but she still likes you - which means that you should probably make the first move. If she holds the stare, then she is confident and she may make the first move. If you happen to glance at the girl and you see her staring back at you, then this means that she likes you, although she may quickly dart her head in a different direction. Look for her eyes to light up when she sees you or hears your name.

5. Look at her friends. If you see most of her friends glancing back at you and smiling or giggling, this means that she is telling her friends about you. If her friends are loud and immature, you'll hear "(your name), (her name) likes you!" Her friends might be making it up, however, just to tease her. When she is having a conversation with her friends, and you come over, she might stop talking all of a sudden. This likely means you were the subject of the recently ended conversation. If she likes you and she told her friends about you, they might come up to you and start a random conversation about things such as: Who would you rather date, Who do you like better, Who is the hottest, etc. If they name a list of about 3 people and her name is in the list, she probably told her friends about you and they're trying to search for clues to see how you feel about her.

6. Look out for the damsel in distress. If you're outside and the girl you like is nearby and starts loudly saying "I'm cold!", that's a subtle hint that she wants you to give her your sweater. This is a very sweet gesture, especially if you want to show the girl that you like her. If there are other guys and she likes one of those guys, however, she might act disappointed when you offer yours to her first, in which case at least you'll know how she feels and can move on. Sometimes a girl will pretend to be really bad at something, and say that they can't do it. That is your cue to offer some assistance, and she will most likely be doing this on purpose just to see your reaction.

7. Smile at her. Do a natural smile - don't freak her out. If she smiles politely, or frowns and looks away, say goodbye to her. She is obviously freaked out by you. If she returns a soft or big smile and continues to look at you, then she is interested. If she smiles then darts over to the crowd of her friends and hides in the group then she may be nervous and curious if you know that she likes you.

How to Start a Conversation with Your Crush Without It Being Awkward

Having a crush on someone can make you very shy around that person and many times you aren't acquainted with your crush. The only way to do that is to communicate, and if you don't know them yet, the only way to do that is to get to know them. The first step you must take before you ask them out is by starting up a conversation. But, unfortunately, that's easier said than done for most people. If you are one of those people, this guide is for you.


1. Start a simple conversation with them about school. Your crush is probably in at least one of your classes at school or after school programs, otherwise how would you ever see them besides maybe in the hallways? Well, if you're near them as the two of you are walking to class, ask if any homework was assigned the previous night, or if there was a meeting of some sort after school ended. They will almost definitely answer you, since you asked a pretty casual question. If they say yes, say you forgot to do it and were up late watching movies (list real movies that you've actually seen off the top of your head). Then ask your crush if they have seen any of them, or maybe they'll say they saw one of them before you ask them. If your crush hasn't seen any of them, recommend one of them and say why. If your crush has already seen the movie, start talking about your favorite parts, lines, etc.

3. Now that you know you can have conversation with your crush, sit near them if possible so you can take part in the conversations they have with the people around them. Don't let the people around you exclude you from the conversations. Make comments. Ask questions. Crack some jokes.

3. At any time, ask everybody who's in the conversation what school clubs they do, and you'll be able to find out which ones,if any, that your crush does. They may interest you and you could join them and you would be around your crush more and be able to get to know them better.

4. Tell people in the conversation about something exciting you're doing after school one day in class. Then people will share what they're doing after school as well (unless they are completely ignoring you, which shouldn't be happening at this point), or maybe what they always doafter school. This may give you an idea of where your crush hangs out. You could go there after school and meet your crush there, and talk to them. However, keep in mind that all this shouldn't be within 5 minutes. Make sure you drag it out just a little bit, so it actually looks like you care about everyone else comments, or replies other than your crushes but make sure you listen to your crush too and dont get into deep conversation with other people. Make sure your crush is still in the conversation.

How to Hug a Girl

Especially in high school, hugging a girl can be an awkward new experience for a guy in a new relationship. Maybe you decided that previous hugs hadn't worked out, or maybe you really have no idea what should be going on in a hug. Well, your worries are over!


1. Ensure that you are in a favorable environment. Hugs aren't as effective in crowded areas, or places where other people might be staring at you. It's awkward to have your best friend walk up and start talking to you while you're hugging someone. Try a quiet street or park, or if you're inside, go to the corner of the room.

2. Approach with caution, but confidence. That may sound impossible, but it can be practiced in other situations. You should be sure the girl is prepared for a hug, at least as far as the relationship goes; she probably won't appreciate one if you only barely know her.

3. Look into her eyes for a few seconds. It's generally preferable to smile and say something like "How was your day?" or some other relatively unimportant small talk that doesn't call for a long reply... hopefully. The reply can come as an advantage, as a bad day might warrant a hug.

4. Lean your torso forward and extend your arms. The girl should acknowledge this; if she doesn't, pull back momentarily, just for a split second, to make sure she wants the hug. If you get the impression that she doesn't want the hug, adjust your extended arms to offer a quick pat on the shoulder or back instead; however, the girl will probably extend her arms towards you as well. Take a step forward to have her feet and your feet nearly touching so that you don't have to lean forward as far to reach her.

5. Embrace her by placing your arms around her back, perhaps near her waist, and lightly pulling her toward you. Her arms will typically be directed to either your waist or your shoulders. The first few seconds of the hug should be just like any other hug: firm but gentle. Be careful to avoid placing your hands on inappropriate places of the girl's body.

6. Make the hug more intimate, if it's appropriate. There are various things you can do to make your hug "more interesting", but if performed under the wrong circumstances, they could easily make the girl feel a little uncomfortable, wanting to back away. Whatever direction you take it, a first hug should probably not last any more than four to five seconds. Remember that these options are generally not recommended for friend-only hugs, and it's best not to attempt to combine these in a single hug.
  • Move your arms around on her back just a few inches up and down, but wait a moment before doing so. Do not pat her back; this can make the hug awkward and too friendly.
  • Slowly sway back and forth, exchanging your weight on each foot.
  • Hold her tighter and lift her up off her feet by leaning backwards. You could even then proceed to spin her by turning around halfway or all the way. This is a playful and fun hug, but be sure the girl is going to accept it.

7. End the hug appropriately. It is likely that the girl will pull away before you do, but she may not. If she relaxes her arms, it is usually a sign that you should release her. When pulling away, simply let your arms slide out from her sides and back to rest at your own sides.

8. Make eye contact with her again. You want to give the impression that you appreciate the hug, so it would be good to smile. Once you have done that, you are pretty much free to go or strike up a conversation, or perhaps continue or close a conversation that you had started. Sometimes it is better to leave right after a hug, as it can make both of you want to embrace again and can strengthen a relationship.